

We apply methods in artificial intelligence and machine learning to a broad range of problems in computational and systems biology as well as in medical text and medical data mining.

  • We design ensemble models for predicting mortality in patients with chronic heart failure using a large number of measurements including time series data on inflammatory biomarkers. The ROC of our predictive model is 84% on a large patient cohort which vastly improves upon the ROC of the  state-of-the-art model which is 73%.
  • We design machine learning algorithms to acquire probabilistic models of metabolic and signaling networks in cancer by integrating multiple sources of information. These include flow cytometry measurements of multiple phosphorylated protein and phospholipid components in cells, SELDI-ToF proteomic data, as well as mRNA expression analysis through microarrays. Our key results include (1) explaining the over-expression of putrescene in prostate cancer cells by computationally deriving changes in the glutathione and urea pathways of prostate cancer patients using microarray data. (2) reconstructing the T-cell signaling pathway from flow cytometry data of Sachs et. al. and finding a new crosstalk mechanism between JNK and P38 which has since been experimentally validated, (3)  identifying key biomarkers that help in accurate differential diagnosis of colorectal cancer from other bowel diseases using SELDI-ToF data.
  • Our newest work is in the area of biomedical text mining: using concept graphs to improve the effectiveness of retrieval of relevant papers in the biomedical literature and in high-throughout phenotyping using text data in electronic medical records.

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